
Bio-Imaging & Optical Systems (BIOS) Research Lab

BIOS research lab

Lab head: Prof. Manish Kumar

Thrust areas in the BIOS research lab*:

  1. Optical microscopy: Light-sheet, fluorescence, confocal etc.
  2. Optical imaging: Schlieren, photomicrography etc.
  3. Optical systems: Seismometer, meteorology etc.

*These are only indicative research areas. We are open to expanding our research area.


Fig 1: Compact light-sheet microscopy system. (a) 3D rendering; (b) schematics with typical control signals; and (c) a customised water-immersion flexible chamber.


Fig 2: 3D imaging results in a GFP expressing mouse brain slice. Neurons and finer processes are visible here. Scale bar: 100 µm.


Come join us: We at the BIOS research laboratory appreciate and welcome creative thinkers. An ideal BIOS lab member loves optics and solves real problems. He/she/they believe in interdisciplinary research scope, enjoy tinkering, and get involved in both hands-on experiments & programming. We will work together to discuss problems, generate innovative ideas, shape our ideas into real-life instruments, and disseminate it to the research community and society. Feel free to write to Manish (


Recent publications:

  1. Y. Kozorovitskiy and M. Kumar, "Scanned oblique plane illumination microscopy”, US Patent 10802255 (2020)
  2. M. Kumar, S. Kishore, D. McLean and Y. Kozorovitskiy, "Crossbill: an open access single objective light-sheet microscopy platform", bioRxiv (2021) doi: 10.1101/2021.04.30.442190
  3. A. A. Shemetov, ….. M. Kumar, "A near-infrared genetically encoded calcium indicator for in vivo imaging", Nature Biotechnology 39, 368–377 (2021)
  4. M. Kumar, and Y. Kozorovitskiy, "Tilt (in)variant lateral scan in oblique plane microscopy: a geometrical optics approach", Biomedical Optics Express 11 (6), 3346-3359 (2020)
  5. M. Kumar, and Y. Kozorovitskiy, "Tilt-invariant scanned oblique plane illumination microscopy for large-scale volumetric imaging", Optics Letters 44 (7), 1706-1709 (2019)
  6. M. Kumar, S. Kishore, J. Nasenbeny, D. McLean and Y. Kozorovitskiy, "Integrated one- and two-photon scanned oblique plane illumination (SOPi) microscopy for rapid volumetric imaging", Optics Express 26 (10), 13027-13041 (2018)

Associated Faculty

Research Lead: Prof. Manish Kumar

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Centre for Sensors, INstrumentation and Cyber-physical Systems Engineering (former IDDC) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi