
SeNSE (formerly IDDC) was set up in 1970. The Centre, interdisciplinary in nature, is engaged in design and development of instruments and other industrial and consumer products.

It runs two interdisciplinary postgraduate programmes, M. Tech. and MSR, in Instrument Technology. The Centre has expert faculty and specialized facilities in the disciplines of Electronics, Industrial Design, Mechanical and Optical Instrumentation. The Centre also supports many doctoral students working in these areas of competence.

The first Head of the Centre was Prof. Harsha Vardhan who later became Director, CSIO Chandigarh. Later the reins were taken over by Prof. R. C. Malhotra who subsequently became Director, IIT Kanpur. Other heads who occupied important positions were Prof R. Arokiasamy (Member UPSC) and Prof. B. N. Gupta (Director, NSIT, Delhi). IDD Centre has been continuously evolving in step with rapidly advancing technology to retain its technological edge in the areas of Instrument Design Technology & Industrial Design.

This Centre created a vibrant interdisciplinary group of professionals in the area of Electrical, Electronics, Optics, Mechanical and Industrial Design. A number of laboratories and workshops were established for research/ development in cutting-edge technology and engineering. Close linkages with the industries, R&D institutions and agencies were developed to provide support to product, equipment and instrument development.

The centre has also been very active in manpower training of students from other institutions, engineering college teachers, and industry professionals.

Consequent upon the approval of the Board of Governors (Resolution No. BG/12/2019) and in exercise of the powers delegated to the Board of Governors vide note below Clause-19 of the Statues of the Institute, the restructuring of Instrument Design Development Centre (IDDC) has since been approved. The board has further approved renaming the centre as Centre for Sensors, Instrumentation and Cyber Physical System Engineering (SeNSE) as recommended by the Senate.

Centre for Sensors, INstrumentation and Cyber-physical Systems Engineering (former IDDC) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi