
InfraRed Imaging Laboratory (IRIL)


Faculty In-Charge: Dr. Ravibabu Mulaveesala


Dr. Ravibabu Mulaveesala received M.Tech from National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirapalli in 2000 and PhD from Centre for Applied Research in Electronics, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), India in 2007. His research interests include thermal, acoustical and optical methods for non-invasive imaging/non-destructive testing technologies. He serves as editorial or advisory boards of the several refereed journals of American Institute of Physics (AIP), Institute of Physics (IoP), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Springer-Nature, Elsevier etc and also to several peer reviewed conferences.


Areas of Research

InfraRed Vision and Automation for Sub-surface Sensing and Imaging.

Signal, Image and Video Processing Techniques for Non-invasive Imaging/Non-destructive Testing.

Non-destructive Testing & Evaluation.

Structural Health Monitoring.

Bio-medical Imaging.

Thermal Non-destructive Testing/Thermal wave imaging.

InfraRed Imaging.

Welcome to the InfraRed Imaging (IRI)/Thermal Wave Imaging (TWI) research group at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi's InfraRed Imaging Laboratory (IRIL) at Centre for Sensors, iNstrumentation and cyber-physical Systems Engineering (SeNSE). IRIL goal is to advance the state-of-the-art in IR Technologies for non- destructive testing and non-invasive imaging applications through advanced scientific research.

Our primary efforts are focused on coded excited active IR/TWI techniques for Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT&E) of various materials. Coded excited IRI/TWI techniques, involves exciting the specimen with predefined coded excited stimulus (frequency modulatedBarkercomplementary Golay sequences etc..) followed by an appropriate post processing (preferably a correlation based matched filtering) on the captured infrared image sequence to compress the excitation energy to a very narrow duration pulse. These coded excitation schemes and the followed post processing techniques will greatly improve the test resolution and sensitivity without increasing the peak power of the excitation for finding out the subsurface anomalies hidden inside the test material in an optimum experimentation time. Our research group is working simultaneously to understand the different coded excitation schemes with suitable experimental procedures followed by the development of algorithms which will improve pulse compression properties to enhance the test sensitivity and resolution.

We are actively partnering with various public, private, government industries/organizations and some of the internationally repute research groups all over the globe in the field of infrared/thermal wave imaging to assist in the development and deployment of coded excited thermal wave imaging techniques for non-destructive testing and evaluation applications. If you are interested in these technologies, please contact Dr. Ravibabu Mulaveesala for more information.


Ongoing Project at IRIL:


Artificial Intelligence based Pulse Compression Favorable Coded Excited Thermal Wave Imaging Technique for Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation of Materials and Components for Defence Application.

Ministry of Defence (ARMREB)

2022 - 2024



For More Information Please Visit:


Dr. Ravibabu Mulaveesala,

InfraRed Imaging Laboratory (IRIL)

Centre for Sensors, iNstrumentation and cyber-physical Systems Engineering (SeNSE),

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,

Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016,



Research Highlights of IRIL


Associated Faculty

Research Lead: Prof. Ravibabu Mulaveesala

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Centre for Sensors, INstrumentation and Cyber-physical Systems Engineering (former IDDC) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi