
Quantum Device Engineering Lab (Q-DEL)

Quantum Device Engineering Lab

Faculty in-charge: Dr. Jasleen Lugani


Quantum information processing is an upcoming field which is expected to play a revolutionizing role to upgrade different areas of science. At quantum device engineering lab (Q-DEL) in SeNSE, we aim to build quantum hardware using tools of optics and integrated photonics, which can be used for various quantum information applications such as for quantum communication, computation, simulations, sensing and imaging. The current research activities of the group can be summarized by the cartoon below

A quantum information experiment can be broadly described by three main stages: qubit generation, manipulation/evolution and measurements through some detection schemes. In optics, this translates to generating quantum states of light, manipulating them using a photonic processor and finally  measuring them using photon sensitive detection. Once these building blocks are ready, one can implement a multitude of quantum information tasks. Currently, the Q-DEL group is exploring different integrated platforms to develop these building blocks as robust, compact, scalable and tunable compact quantum devices.

For the generation part, we focus on developing single photons as well as entangled photon pair source using spontaneous parametric down conversion (SPDC) and spontaneous four wave mixing (SFWM) process. These are based on optical non-linearities in integrated platforms such as lithium niobate on insulator, silicon on insulator, optical fibers, etc. For manipulating them, linear optical circuits consisting of cascaded tunable beam splitters on a photonic processor are used. By designing and developing low loss linear optical components on integrated platforms, we aim to develop on-chip quantum sources and processors which offer the desired scalability and complexity to perform practical quantum information tasks.

In addition, Q-DEL is currently also involved in optical metrology experiments and is setting up schemes to measure and characterize optical components such as high reflective mirrors which have wide range of applications in different areas.




Associated Faculty

Research Lead: Prof. Jasleen Lugani

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Centre for Sensors, INstrumentation and Cyber-physical Systems Engineering (former IDDC) Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Hauz Khas, New Delhi